I have just about worn out the printed copies of these, showing them off to anyone & everyone that will stand still long enough near me, to show them off...
A couple of weeks ago, someone from the parenting forum (EB) posted that they were getting 3D scans done locally..
It was purely for 'looking', nothing medically at all.. The cost was $40 and WOW, what a bargin that is these days for 3D scans.....
Anyhow, i sussed it all out and made an appointment to have a little lookie at my baby... (i want as many looks as i can possibly get!!!!) :o)
I also decided to take mum with me, as she has never seen any of my scans, even though she has been at all 3 deliveries. She has also never seen a 3D scan either.
And i wanted to take the kids with us too...
The appointment was for last Thursday, the 29th of November at 2.30pm.
I picked the kids up from school early, headed on into Maitland to pick Mum up from work and then headed to the John Hunter Hospital. At the Medical Suites there..
I picked the kids up from school early, headed on into Maitland to pick Mum up from work and then headed to the John Hunter Hospital. At the Medical Suites there..
Well, as soon as the scanner was put on my (big) belly and the image came on the screen, i cried!!!! I couldn't stop then...
OMG how beautiful was my baby and how wonderful was it to see my tiny little baby, even though he/she is still in me!!!! (gosh, im going to start crying now)...
then WOW!!!!!!! my gosh, doesn't this little baby look like Taylor!!!!!!!!!??
well that's the first thing i though anyhow, and then so did mum too...
(the boys were a bit roudy, but) both Mum & Taylor were just in awe of it all too...
The lady doing the scan said how beautiful my baby was (she probably says that to everyone??) and how clear the scan was, how perfect baby was & how cute too... :o)
here are a couple of photos of my little baby...

She did try to get some images in 4D, but baby was sound asleep and didn't move at all, so i didn't get much of that... :o( (well only 7secs, but baby didn't move)..
Baby did move his/her fingers (you can see his/her hand up near his/her far cheek) the tiniest bit, but not much..
That's amazing and so incredibly clear.
OMG i dont blame you for crying, these pictures are PRICELESS! what a gorgeous baby, i'm gobsmacked at how clear these 3D scans are, I wish they were around when I had my babies.
wow, these are amazing. your lucky to have got such nice 3d4d pictures!
3d 4d scans
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