pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Dan...xx

Happy birthday to my big boy, who turned 8 on Monday... (22nd Jan)

I can't believe he is 8 already. Like any mum says, it only seems like yesterday they were just born....

the top photo is just a group of photos i put together last year to celebrate his birthday..
here is a photo i took of him on his birthday...

we had the Elsley girls stay over for the day, so when we got organised, we all headed into Newcastle to the beach for a while. After about an hour swimming & exploring in the rock pool, we then went & grabbed some Macca's and sat at Shortland Lawn for lunch and then a bit of a play on the equipment.. It was pretty hot though (not as hot as Sunday or Saturday). We then headed home and stopped off at Uma's (my mums) for a swim before going home to see family for the birthday boy....

bbl with more photos... :o)

Happy Birthday Dan..

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