pregnancy week by week

Monday, January 15, 2007

ok, i need some good news now, sorry....

Bec's home..... yay

Here's a message from Bec (from over at our mums group..)

Thank you all for your well wishes and texts! I got home last night and it was so hard to leave my precious girls behind - lots of tears. But I have just had the call to say they're on their way to North West which is closer to home, so we're about to go and meet them and say hi again! I can't believe how well they're doing! Aside from some bradychardias (heart rate falling below 90bpm) and desats (oxygen level falling) they have had no setbacks at all. They are still tube fed and have monitors attached all over, but they are off all IVs and in open cots just like normal little babies!

Katie is doing very well at her b/f attempts, but Georgia is a little bit smaller and gets tired more quickly. As at yesterday Katie was 1800g (down from 1960g) and Georgia was 1738g (down from 1875). They are so tiny but so perfect. I'll have to ring around and get some more pics sent through, then I'll pop them all on here.

Oops my buzzer has just gone off so it's time to pump the boobies again lol, then we're off to the hospital, but I'll be back later to fill you in on my exciting week!

Bye for now!


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