pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

its so heartbreaking...

i have been lurking a bit on the Photography boards over at EB and some of the girls there are members at another forum as well..
They were telling us about the poor little girl that passed away on Monday after fighting for her life for 2 days. She had accidently locked herself in her parents car and no one could find her for half an hour. What was 36 degrees outside that day, was 60 degrees inside the car...
My heart just breaks when hearing/seeing stories like this..
I just can't imagine what her parents & family must be going through...

Here is a bit of a story from a family friend....

The above banner is courtesy of Carrie Young....
My colleague and amazing photographer Sheye Rosemeyer, lost her 3 year old daughter last night. It was a horrible tragic accident. She got locked in the family's black car which was parked outside in the full 36 degree sun and no one could find her for half an hour of panic stricken terror. The grandparents live next door and it is normal for the kids to flit between their house and home. Sheye said that Ava was being mischeivious as little kids are...and told Grandad she was going home but really she got in the car. Mom & Dad thought she was at Grandad's, he thought she was at home and by the time she was discovered she had been in a 60 degree car for too long. She fought bravely for two days in an induced coma but lost her battle last night. I can't even imagine the horror that family is feeling right now and their despair. The worst of it is, this is the fourth child this month in Australia. So please, hold your kids a little closer and tighter today and then take them outside and teach them to blow the car horn...hard and long if they are ever stuck in one. Sheye said she could go over the what ifs forever but the reality is, she can't take the last 72 hours back, all she can do is say to other parents, please teach your little one's to not play in cars, always lock the doors when you get out and show them where the horn is.

Please give your loved ones that extra special hug & kiss every moment you see them....xx

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